What is Crafting Joy? And where did the idea come from?

Hi I am Adanma, the founder of Crafting Joy, this is my story.

I never thought I would return to art. In my teenage years, I was always drawing and painting, but as life went on, I drifted away from it. I became preoccupied with work and relationships, and I slowly forgot about my passion for art.

But after a personal crisis in life where I literally hit rock bottom, I found myself drawing again. It started as a way to take my mind off the stress, but soon it became like therapy. Every day, I would wake up and draw. I would lose myself in the meditative state it created, and my mind began to heal.

As I continued to draw, I started to experiment with different materials and techniques. I became interested in making handmade hair accessories, and that's how Nativemix.store was born. I wanted to create beautiful pieces that would not only make people feel good about themselves but also help with the pressing issue of textile waste.

After a few years of running a successful business, I began to realise that there was a need for a business that could help others experience the therapeutic benefits of art and crafts. That's how Crafting Joy was born. It's a place where everyone can come and explore their creativity, regardless of their skill level or background.

Crafting Joy is more than just a business to me; it's a way to give back to the community and to help others find joy and peace through art. I'm so grateful for the journey that led me here and for the opportunity to share my passion with others.


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